Web development can often be a daunting concept and the idea of “coding” an intimidating adversary. The team over at Treehouse has come up with a really cool game called Code Racer that makes coding and learning to code fun! This multi-player game is a really neat idea and I know that I will be telling my dev students about it! (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘What’s Hot’
Code Racer, Vroooooooom!
Sunday, January 22nd, 2012All I Want For Chrismukkah is IE 6 to Go Away :-(
Friday, December 16th, 2011 Internet Explorer (IE) is the bane of every developer’s existence. I am sure that I have wasted at least a year of my life in aggregate of the time that I have spent debugging and fighting with one version or another of IE. Despite my hopes of IE6’s quick but painful death, the W3CSchool’s statics on IE, and even Microsoft launch of IE6 countdown (a push to wean the world off the crack that is IE6), the browser still has a whopping 8.3% strangle hold on the world’s population’s portal to the information super highway… :_(
Is it thus so much to ask for Chrismukkah this year that IE6 just die already?!? Well maybe someone is listening… (more…)
Must See Sites and Awesome Resources
Wednesday, July 6th, 2011Over the past month or so I have been uber swamped and as a result my blogging has fallen to the wayside. Of course time and the internet waits for no man, so there have been a whole slew of interesting sites that have come to my attention. Because of this and my lack of time, I have a stock pile of things that I am very excited about and want to share, hence this post. Feel free to let me know about any cool sites or resources that you have encountered that you think may be helpful as well. (more…)
Weird Al Was Born That Way…
Friday, June 24th, 2011Well done! The parody music video of Lady Gaga’s I Was Born This Way (seen below) is just so spot on. Ever since I was very young I loved Weird Al’s renditions of pop culture songs. From Gangsters Paradise, to Eat It and White and Nerdy, even that Achy Breaky Song. Well Weird Al has now turned his sights to the Lady of the hour, Gaga… I should probably start out by saying that I actually like Lady Gaga’s music, it is catchy, fun and makes you want to move, but that is just me. Check out what Weird Al thinks about it. (more…)
Rock Out With Today’s Google Doodle
Thursday, June 9th, 2011Continuing in series of tributary Google Doodles, Google has a real doozie today (check out google). In honor of Les Paul’s birthday (he would be 96 today) Google made today’s Google Doodle. This ultra modern looking interpretation of the word Google (you may need a bit of imagination to see it), rendering the text as a stylized guitar. What is better yet, it is a functional guitar! Move your mouse over the strings to jam out to some celebratory hotness. In case that is not cool enough, you can actually record your jam session (up to 30 seconds) and play it back. Pretty sweet! Oh Google, sigh…