Web development can often be a daunting concept and the idea of “coding” an intimidating adversary. The team over at Treehouse has come up with a really cool game called Code Racer that makes coding and learning to code fun! This multi-player game is a really neat idea and I know that I will be telling my dev students about it! (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘Web Development’
Code Racer, Vroooooooom!
Sunday, January 22nd, 2012Help the Internet, Stop SOPA
Saturday, January 14th, 2012For those of you who are not aware, there is bill being passed through congress, that is funded primarily by major networks production companies and music labels, called the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). This bill, introduced in October of 2011, in concept is a great idea that in at face would protect against theft. The only problem here is that this bill creates legal loop holes that can readily be misused to shut down competition or for other malicious reasons. Beyond that there are already two existing bills that address this issue and provide victims of piracy means for taking action, namely the PRO-IP Act of 2008 and the corresponding Senate bill, the PROTECT IP Act. (more…)
All I Want For Chrismukkah is IE 6 to Go Away :-(
Friday, December 16th, 2011Internet Explorer (IE) is the bane of every developer’s existence. I am sure that I have wasted at least a year of my life in aggregate of the time that I have spent debugging and fighting with one version or another of IE. Despite my hopes of IE6’s quick but painful death, the W3CSchool’s statics on IE, and even Microsoft launch of IE6 countdown (a push to wean the world off the crack that is IE6), the browser still has a whopping 8.3% strangle hold on the world’s population’s portal to the information super highway… :_(
Is it thus so much to ask for Chrismukkah this year that IE6 just die already?!? Well maybe someone is listening… (more…)
Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts
Friday, July 1st, 2011For those of you who have been following my blog, you may have noticed that I occasionally make reference to “CDIA”. CDIA, short for Center for Digital Imaging Arts, which in turn is short for Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts, is an awesome continuing education program offered out of Boston University’s School of Communications. (more…)
Google’s Page Speed
Friday, April 1st, 2011I am sure that you have encountered a site before where you have thought, “man this site is slow” and perhaps you even left before the site fully loaded. I sure know that I have! As a web designer/developer, you want to make sure that you can provide your client(s) with a site that is efficient in all capacities including load time, especially because load time directly affects a number of other areas of web performance (SEO, Analytics, UX and even Cost). (more…)