Archive for the ‘Tricks of the Trade’ Category

Must See Sites and Awesome Resources

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

ToolsOver the past month or so I have been uber swamped and as a result my blogging has fallen to the wayside. Of course time and the internet waits for no man, so there have been a whole slew of interesting sites that have come to my attention. Because of this and my lack of time, I have a stock pile of things that I am very excited about and want to share, hence this post. Feel free to let me know about any cool sites or resources that you have encountered that you think may be helpful as well. (more…)

Mac OS X Shortcuts and Tips

Friday, April 15th, 2011

Sure, I may be a bit bias, but Macs rock! Apple rocks! I mean who even wants to dirty their hands with a PC or battle with Win-doze?!? In celebrating the awesomeness of the Mac and OS X, I thought that I would share a few “tips” and “tricks” that I have gathered over the years that just make Macs that much more awesome! (more…)

Design For Free?!? Is it Okay to Say No?

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

As graphic and web designer (or any skill-based profession), you are undoubtedly approached with many inquiries seeking your “assistance” with a project or idea that a family member, friend or “worthy” cause wants you to lend a hand with. Of course by “assistance” they mean that they want you to work for free and by “friend” this may be that guy from high school who used to give you wedgies and swirlies on a weekly basis, who in a recent “where are they now” publication from your alma mater discovered your skill set that they are now interested in. Of course it could also be a very close friend or an organization that is helping starving children in Solamila… What do you do??? (more…)

Net Neutrality

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

If you have been listening to the news at all over the last couple of months, you have undoubtedly heard something about Net Neutrality. The last few weeks have held some very important decisions and could very well effect the way that we do or do not use the internet in the future… (more…)

Sure jQuery is Pretty, But Don’t Write Off CSS…

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

Have been teaching intro to jQuery a bit over the past two months, I have noticed that many of my students are quick to ditch the CSS hover pseudo-class once they discover the .hover() function. Sure .hover() is great and all, but CSS is built into the browser and thus you don’t need to load a script or execute a script in order for it to work. CSS is a powerhouse if you can get a little creative with it…
