Posts Tagged ‘Web Design’

Help the Internet, Stop SOPA

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

S IconFor those of you who are not aware, there is bill being passed through congress, that is funded primarily by major networks production companies and music labels, called the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). This bill, introduced in October of 2011, in concept is a great idea that in at face would protect against theft. The only problem here is that this bill creates legal loop holes that can readily be misused to shut down competition or for other malicious reasons. Beyond that there are already two existing bills that address this issue and provide victims of piracy means for taking action, namely the PRO-IP Act of 2008 and the corresponding Senate bill, the PROTECT IP Act. (more…)

Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts

Friday, July 1st, 2011

For those of you who have been following my blog, you may have noticed that I occasionally make reference to “CDIA”. CDIA, short for Center for Digital Imaging Arts, which in turn is short for Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts, is an awesome continuing education program offered out of Boston University’s School of Communications. (more…)

Lorem Ipsum For Images!

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

As a web designer and/or developer, we have run into the need for placeholder images on more then on occasion. A client may be developing the content, or perhaps a photo shoot is on the calendar. Maybe your client or the photographer are waiting on you to define that space where the image needs to go. In any of these cases, we usually end up turning to Photoshop (or your preferred image creating software) and create a dummy image. This takes time and is a pain in the butt. Well dummy image no more! Mr. Speaker has come out with a solution to this problem, that they call “lowersrc: Loren Ipsum for images“. (more…)

Fireworks vs. Photoshop, a Battle in the Web Arena

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Having taught classes on both Photoshop and Fireworks, I have often gotten the inevitable question of “which program is better?”  Like the proud parent of two amazing children, I could never pick one over the other. And yet I tend to find one cuter, faster, more intelligent and easier to be around. The other is stronger, though a little clunkier, has more depth and was my first, so there is that special something else… Never-the-less, both programs are amazing. So which one is your best bet for the web world? Well in this smack down we will walk though the pros and cons of the two applications and see which emerges the victor.



Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Smashing Magazine has this fabulous article about typography called Web Typography: Educational Resources, Tools and Techniques that I thought I would share. This article, or really a compilation of articles, does a wonderful job covering all things typography. From creating typefaces to designing with type to web type techniques, the article has it all. It is definitely worth the time to at least browse though it. Here are a few of the links from the article that I think are particularly useful/interesting:
