Posts Tagged ‘Web Design’

Flash to HTML 5!

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Just when you thought that Adobe’s newest creative suite could not get any better, you see something like this that is already making me salivate for CS6! At Adobe’s MAX conference a few weeks ago, the folks at Adobe wowed the audience with a live demonstration of a Flash to HTML5 conversion tool, which is currently in the works.

IE Cracked: Stick it to the Browser

Monday, August 16th, 2010

In the past I have written a few articles about some of the Internet Explore (IE) bugs and how to fix or work around them. Due to the success of these articles, and the largely expressed interest in knowing more, I have decided to start a series of articles entitled “IE Cracked” where I will dive into a few more of the specific problems commonly seen in IE and explain how to address them.

I hope to cover as many of the usual suspects as possible, but should there be a particular one that proves especially tricky or that I miss, feel free to shoot me an email and as I am more then happy to help or blog by request.

So keep an eye out for the many posts soon to come! Until then, down with IE! x-P

The future of web typography, thank you google!!!

Monday, July 5th, 2010

As I am sure you are aware, the issue of “web safe” fonts is a web designers nightmare. Dulling down designs due to the lack of cross computer consistency in font libraries greatly limits designers and thus design on the web. To this point the main work around for this has been creating images of type and then using some sort of complex code to allow a browser to still see the contents of that typography-a rather silly practice, when type should not need to be re-written in order to be read (by man or machine..). These techniques I detailed in an older posting which you can read about here: Images to Replace Text. But there is an easier way!!!


The Word Doc Goes Live!

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

The Word Doc offers wonderful copy writing services, so should you ever be in need, keep them in the back of your mind. Working closely with Beverly Zibrak over at the Word Doc, we have successfully come up with a new brand, web design and website for the Word Doc organization. This site was built using WordPress as a content management system. For this project I created and implemented a custom theme to cater to the unique needs of the folks over at the Word Doc. Have a look The Word Doc!. Enjoy!

Images to Replace Text

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Web safe fonts are a huge limitation on web designers. With only a hand full of fonts to choose from, designers are disarmed of one of their most valuable tools, typography. Many designers/developers (myself included) try to walk around this issue by using images of typography instead of “live” text (text that is actually written in HTML). The catch here is of course that text displayed as an image is not search-able by engines like Google. Sure if you put an image in as an <img> tag you could set the alt attribute thus making it visible by Google, but it does not have the same efficacy. For example sticking the word phrase “community involvement” into a <h1> tag will have more SEO importance then sticking the same phrase into an <img> tag with the alt attribute of “community involvement”, even if that <img> tag is inside of an <h1> tag.
