Posts Tagged ‘Funny’

What Do Designers Know?

Monday, September 20th, 2010

So I’m sure that you have thought to yourself before, “self why does this ‘designer’ get paid to do this design work when in fact he doesn’t know what he is doing? I mean seriously, a website with white space? Or what about the fact that my logo is not so large that it hits you in the face?” Well no worries. Not only are you not the first person to have though of this, but this awesome company has come up with a solution, check out the above YouTube clip to hear about the exclusive offer.

One of my students showed me this, priceless. Enjoy :-)

Meme You Say?

Monday, September 13th, 2010

The classic Leeroy Jenkins clip from WOW and many other hilariously fabulous ways to waste your time can be found by the ever so bored and idle though out offices world wide by visiting fun websites like YouTube, assuming that “big brother” has not restricted your access to such amazing sites… These types of clips, also famously noted “Leave Brittney Alone, Surprised Kitty and Double Rainbow, have come to be know as “meme’s” (pronounced like beam only with an m). A meme has thus come to be a concept that spreads swiftly through the internet. Despite that loose definition, a meme really has to be a viral concept which people can apply to different areas, otherwise it is just a viral clip/concept…
