Archive for the ‘Design’ Category

Amazing Stop-Paint Animation

Friday, July 9th, 2010

BIG BANG BIG BOOM – the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

So surfing around I stumbled onto this amazing artist. He goes by Blu, and makes these amazing stop action movies. I can only image that this must take forever to make. The concept is very unique and interesting, sort of an evolution of everything starting with the big bang and going through the destruction of the world, and the execution delightfully playful. Blu does a really wonderful job playing with size, proportion and a mixture of two the three dimensional media to create this very entertaining work of art. Have a look and see what I am talking about. Blu also have several other works as well and a quirky website, which though a bit chaotic and a touch annoying at times features several of his other works (seen here). Definitely worth checking out!

My iPad is Hanging in, the MFA?!?

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Wowzers! That is incredible!! I am pretty sure that I could not do that with oils on canvas, never mind a iPad?!?! As if that is not enough, this only took 3 hours. Nuts, absolutely nuts. I guess that I could use this as another point of justification for getting an iPad, right? The good old “I can use it for work” line…

Pumas of the Week

Monday, June 21st, 2010

Alright, so as promised I have a sick pair of Pumas to share. Thanks to those of you who sent me ideas and suggestions. We have a winner! Puma RS 100 Emergency Pack, turning heads everywhere (love the lightning bolt detail).

Julian Beever, an Artist and Preformer

Friday, June 11th, 2010

A buddy of mine sent me a link to one of those blogs with “amazing” pictures, which is where I discovered this incredible Julian Beever. Julian is a phenomenal artist! His murals and paintings show that he has skill, but his truly breathtaking pieces are are rendered as sidewalk art. Clearly his illustrations are a show worthy of viewing as Julian interacts with his creations as he creates them thus telling a story in the process. Julian does an amazing job playing with perspective to create some dizzying works of art and most of his masterpieces have a delightful sense of humor to them. As an artist myself, I am very impressed with sidewalk artists in that they no attachment to their works of art. They are really creating art just for but a moment of beauty. Julian Beever is really a fantastic artist and you should check out more of his works here!

Artist Spotted!

Friday, June 4th, 2010

While traveling through Jerusalem, at the new Mamilla mall outside of the old city I saw these most remarkably alluring paintings. A playful surrealist rendition of metaphorical and faintly familiar images makes these painting fascinating to look at and I always find a sight smile brought to my lips. Painted by Israeli artist Orna Ben-Shoshan, the works have a wonderfully youthful energy and unique character. Learn more about her, view and by her work at her website Sure the site is not anything spectacular, but her work is definitely worth the time. Enjoy!