Archive for November, 2010

From the Treadmill to the Toaster Oven?!? OK Go’s New Video

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Last Leaf

OK Go | Myspace Music Videos

Like their music or not (which I find it hard not to), OK Go, comes up with some really cool music videos! This one is no exception…

Using 2,430 pieces of toast, and shot with a Samsung NX100 camera, this stop-motion video is very elegantly done. Featuring their song “Last Leaf”, the naive animation is gripping and fun, just like the group. Sure it does not have the most complex story line or the coolest graphics, but the simplicity combine with the killer animation (and preparation/thought that must have gone into this) makes this video totally worth the 2:42 minutes. Have a look!

Eye-Tracking Study

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

I am sure that you have seen some of these sorts of studies in the past where an eye-tracking software is used to extract general data about how users interact with media. Well this New York Times article is another such example only focused around how users interact with images specifically. I am not 100% sold on what they are selling (otherwise marketing really would not work…generic people who you are supposed to envision replaced by yourself or who you want to be like…), but the take away message is make your images more unique, which I do agree with. The full article can be viewed here: Study Shows People Ignore Generic Photos Online. I think that it is worth reading through.