Valuable Web Design Resources
CSS Zen Garden: Unleash the power of CSS! See just how powerful CSS is.
CSS Mania: A really awesome web resource to see good web design.
Killer: A cool site to help with color pallets and motifs.
Lorem Ipsum: A very valuable design tool to create "dummy" text.
Flickr: A really cool free file image sharing website.
Getty Images: A really good PAY website for stock images.
DaFont: A very useful resource to find cool FREE fonts.
Helpful Development Resources
W3School: This is the website of the people who create the web standards. This site is a web how to...
JQuery: A very powerful library of JavaScript files that allow you to make your site dynamic. This is a great site for checking if your domain name is available. They are expensive for hosting though...
Who Get the scoop on a website like who owns it and when the ownership expires.
FatCow: A new(er) web hosting provider that has AWESOME rates.
Dream Host: My personal favorite web host. Never has a single problem,they are great!
WordPress: A useful, customizable and FREE blog Content Management System (CMS).
Joomla: Another CMS, like WordPress only with infinitely more customizability. It is also a bit more code heavy.
Other Helpful Sites
Gizmodo: Sweet technology blog. Gotta stay on top of what is out there...
Wikipedia: Not necessarily good for a book report, but a great reference to get answers to questions.
Class Files
Intro to HTML/XHTML: This is a brief intro to HTML and XHTML. Download the linked page to play around.
The Other Half of the Picture: HTML2- Overview of the remaining Elements and the infamous tables.
Intro to CSS: Cascading style sheets and how they work. See the power of CSS.